Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I purchased tabs for my vehicle (Plate # VTM 944) and then sold it a day before the tabs arrived to someone from Illinois. Can I get a refund on the tabs I purchased? Thanks.

Thank you for contacting Driver & Vehicle Services,

Unfortunately to qualify for the refund the stickers would have needed to be surrendered before the end of the registration period which started July 1st.
We understand that you did not have them by then however that is how the law reads.
We apologize if this is an inconvenience.

Casey #24

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The Benz had to go as part of settling things between my wife and I. I was sad to see it go, but c'est la vie. It was sold to a truckload of Albanians from Kosovo for $16,500. I'll be driving it's polar opposite, my 1978 VW Westfalia Camper Van until my father decides on a car :)